1.5 years ago Yerevan Brandy Company (YBC) started Convivial Reunion corporate event series. The aim of those is revealing the historic-cultural heritage of Armenia to the employees of the factory.
It is the continuation of “the Convivialists” movement of Pernod Ricard, the essence of which is sharing convivial moments to make our lives much brighter and more vibrant!
The latest event of Convivial Reunion series was held in collaboration with Ervand Kochar Museum and was dedicated to his 120th anniversary.
Together with the directors of the museum a special route was organized through several key creations of the sculptor– David of Sasun, Vardan Mamikonyan, “The Muse of Cybernetics”.
Since revealing new facets of mastery and inspiration lies in the core values of ARARAT, the recipe of master’s favorite dessert was restored thanks to the efforts of his family. YBC employees had the opportunity to try it.
The recipe of the dessert is kept in secret. The only thing that can be revealed is that it reminds a roulette with walnut stuffing.
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